Pesquisas de feedback

Aprenda como você pode melhorar a sua apresentação, palestras, formas de trabalhar ou algo diferente. Colete feedback em segundos, sem a necessidade de um longo tempo de espera.

Pesquisas de feedback

Post Meeting Survey

Post Meeting Survey

15 slides
This template outlines six typs of questions to include in your next meeting feedback survey
Collect lecture feedback

Collect lecture feedback

1 slide
Check for understanding, collect feedback on the lecture and identify what topics need to be revisited.
Exam reflection

Exam reflection

1 slide
Exam reflection
Workshop feedback

Workshop feedback

1 slide
Word Cloud slide to get participants' feedback on the session.
Post Town Hall Survey

Post Town Hall Survey

9 slides
Collect feedback, and opinions from your colleagues with this survey. Perfect after a town hall meeting.
Meeting Feedback Survey

Meeting Feedback Survey

19 slides
Send a survey to your colleagues after an all-hands meeting to gather their thoughts on the latest updates.
Training Feedback Survey

Training Feedback Survey

11 slides
Evaluate your latest training session and gain valuable input on how to improve your next.
University Lecture Feedback

University Lecture Feedback

5 slides
Gather feedback and opinions from your students and see exactly what they think about your lectures.
Meeting Evaluation Survey

Meeting Evaluation Survey

1 slide
Conduct a survey to see if you actually need every meeting and find ways to improve productivity and save time.
Sessão de feedback

Sessão de feedback

6 slides
Promova a abertura e a transparência na sua organização com este modelo.
Create a Great Work Environment

Create a Great Work Environment

2 slides
Check what your team thinks is important when working together and identify areas for improvement.
Evaluate the Training Seminar

Evaluate the Training Seminar

3 slides
Ask the participants to fill out this survey to gather reflections on the seminar to spark future improvement.
Employee Net Promoter Score

Employee Net Promoter Score

1 slide
Use this anonymous template to see whether your employees are satisfied with working at your company.
Pre-workshop questionnaire

Pre-workshop questionnaire

3 slides
Prepare for your workshop with this template, pick up on expectations, and prioritize what topics to include.
Post-Lecture Survey

Post-Lecture Survey

2 slides
After the lecture, let your students evaluate the session so that you can improve in the future.
Get feedback after the conference

Get feedback after the conference

2 slides
Send this survey to conference attendees to gather their honest feedback after the conference.
Evaluate the Conference

Evaluate the Conference

1 slide
Would guests recommend this conference to a friend or colleague? Ask before they leave for important insights.
Post-Event Feedback Survey

Post-Event Feedback Survey

2 slides
Ensure that you get a higher response rate on your survey by letting the audience answer live, with their opinions.
Keynote Takeaways?

Keynote Takeaways?

2 slides
End the keynote by seeing what the audience thought and give them the opportunity to ask questions.

Modelos de pesquisa de feedback

Obtenha feedback honesto e perspicaz de todos graças aos nossos modelos de pesquisa anônima. As nossas pesquisas de feedback foram criadas para ajudar você a coletar feedbacks importantes, que você poderá usar para se adaptar e melhorar posteriormente, independentemente do que você fizer!

Todos os seus modelos de pesquisa podem ser baixados e usados por qualquer pessoa com uma conta no Mentimeter. Todos os nossos usuários assinantes podem editar esses modelos conforme desejarem, enquanto os usuários não assinantes podem fazê-lo dentro dos limites do nosso plano gratuito.

Impressione com apresentações interativas