Modelos e exemplos de pesquisas

Pesquise qualquer grupo, desde colegas e públicos maiores até estudantes e participantes de conferências. Faça uma pesquisa sempre que precisar e no formato que achar adequado.

HR Employee Benefits

HR Employee Benefits

1 slide
Find out from employees which benefits are most important to them and assess the value of your benefits package.
Employee Engagement Survey

Employee Engagement Survey

3 slides
Understand what your employees think of your company and what they value the most by running this survey.

Pesquisas de feedback

Post Meeting Survey

Post Meeting Survey

15 slides
This template outlines six typs of questions to include in your next meeting feedback survey
Collect lecture feedback

Collect lecture feedback

1 slide
Check for understanding, collect feedback on the lecture and identify what topics need to be revisited.
Exam reflection

Exam reflection

1 slide
Exam reflection

Pesquisas de envolvimento dos funcionários

Weekly pulse-check

Weekly pulse-check

4 slides
Keep a finger on the pulse of people's opinions, especially when hybrid working.
End of Year Review

End of Year Review

1 slide
End of Year Review
Post Town Hall Survey

Post Town Hall Survey

9 slides
Collect feedback, and opinions from your colleagues with this survey. Perfect after a town hall meeting.

Pesquisas escolares

Course Feedback Survey

Course Feedback Survey

7 slides
Gather insights by running this survey at the end of your course.
Bullying and Discrimination Survey

Bullying and Discrimination Survey

8 slides
Fight bullying and discrimination by first identifying where and when it happens.
School Safety Survey

School Safety Survey

8 slides
Learn where in school your students feel safe and initiate discussion about security with this template.

Pesquisas de integração

Get to Know Your Onboarding Group

Get to Know Your Onboarding Group

5 slides
Get to know your onboarding group and receive interesting statistics all at once using our segmentation feature.
Onboarding Checklist

Onboarding Checklist

16 slides
Let this checklist help you remember everything you need to do before onboarding your new hire.
Remote Onboarding Survey

Remote Onboarding Survey

9 slides
Evaluate how your remote onboarding went, and make sure your new remote colleagues feel like part of the team.

Pesquisas de educação

Post-lecture feedback form template

Post-lecture feedback form template

3 slides
Add this slide to the end of every class to get a feel for how things went, and track the results over time.
Virtual office hours

Virtual office hours

3 slides
Take your weekly office hours online to boost attendance and increase the value for your students.
Group Project Reflection

Group Project Reflection

7 slides
Reflect on your latest group project with this template!

Modelos de pesquisa

Você pode criar uma pesquisa com o Mentimeter a qualquer momento. A ferramenta é perfeita para apresentações ao vivo e reuniões em que você pode compartilhar os seus resultados na hora ou posteriormente, quando você poderá coletar as opiniões e pontos de vista do público. 

Os nossos modelos de pesquisa foram projetados para atender a uma ampla variedade de casos de uso feitos pelos nossos especialistas internos em pesquisas. Esses exemplos de pesquisas foram projetados para serem usados em salas de aula e universidades com a mesma facilidade com que podem ser usados no escritório. 

Muitas das nossas pesquisas estão aqui para servir de inspiração e podem, portanto, ser totalmente personalizadas para atender às suas próprias necessidades. Modifique as perguntas, altere as respostas disponíveis e reestruture tudo para atender às suas necessidades.

Impressione com apresentações interativas