Enquetes para reuniões

Mais rápidas e eficientes do que andar pela sala ou ativar o som dos microfones, as nossas enquetes de reuniões exibirão perguntas e você visualizará as respostas em tempo real, sem atrasos desnecessários.

Enquetes para reuniões

Get feedback on your meeting

Get feedback on your meeting

1 slide
Take a quick pulse check and see how useful participants found the meeting.
Brainstorm meeting focus

Brainstorm meeting focus

1 slide
Quickly generate input from the team to decide what to focus on.
Scheduling Poll

Scheduling Poll

6 slides
Make scheduling quick and easy with this poll.
Meeting Opener

Meeting Opener

1 slide
Find out what colleagues want to discuss at the start of the meeting with this opener slide.
Remote Inclusiveness Workshop

Remote Inclusiveness Workshop

5 slides
Make sure your remote employees don't feel left out of any workshop. Inclusiveness is key with this template.
HR Employee Benefits

HR Employee Benefits

1 slide
Find out from employees which benefits are most important to them and assess the value of your benefits package.
How are you feeling?

How are you feeling?

1 slide
Check in with participants and find out how they are feeling wherever they are joining from.
Work from home pulse survey

Work from home pulse survey

1 slide
Find out how your colleagues are doing while working from home with this quick survey.
Where are you working from?

Where are you working from?

1 slide
From home, the office, or in bed? Find out where your teammates are working from today.
How are your listening skills?

How are your listening skills?

19 slides
Find out how good your students' listening skills are with this fun interactive presentation.
All-hands meeting template

All-hands meeting template

10 slides
All-hands meeting template
Plan Your Company Event Using Mentimeter

Plan Your Company Event Using Mentimeter

2 slides
Crowdsource ideas and make party planning easy and inclusive with this template!
Choose a New Logo
1 slide
Make sure your rebranding is successful by letting important stakeholders have a say.
Decide What to Focus On

Decide What to Focus On

2 slides
What's next? Prioritize by letting employees and stakeholders have a say in this survey.
Meeting Efficiency Reflection

Meeting Efficiency Reflection

3 slides
Rate how good your meetings are and gather insights to improve them.
Let the audience choose the best debater

Let the audience choose the best debater

1 slide
Use this template to enable your audience to vote for a winner during a debate.
Manage Audience Expectations

Manage Audience Expectations

2 slides
What is your audience expecting? And how much do they already know about the topic? Find out with this template.
See What Your Audience Wants to Learn

See What Your Audience Wants to Learn

3 slides
Discover what your audience wants to learn and how much they already know about the subject before your lecture.
What's Most Important to Your Audience?

What's Most Important to Your Audience?

2 slides
Initiate discussions and learn about what skill your audience values the most in a leader with this icebreaker.
Prioritize Town Hall Meeting Issues

Prioritize Town Hall Meeting Issues

2 slides
Make your town hall meetings more interactive by involving everybody in the agenda-setting.

Modelos de enquete de reunião

Faça uma enquete em tempo real na sua reunião on-line e deixe seus colegas, clientes ou participantes compartilharem suas opiniões e expressarem seus pensamentos com a ajuda de um de nossos modelos. Perguntas de múltipla escolha, nuvens de palavras e muito mais ajudarão você a testar o seu público de modo fácil. Tudo o que você precisa fazer é sentar e deixar os votos chegarem!

Todos os nossos modelos de enquete podem ser baixados por qualquer pessoa com uma conta no Mentimeter. Basta efetuar o login ou registrar-se e começar imediatamente com apenas alguns cliques. Cada um desses modelos poderá ser editado, dependendo do plano que você tem. Os usuários assinantes podem editar tudo nesses modelos, enquanto os usuários não assinantes podem fazê-lo dentro dos limites da conta gratuita.

Impressione com apresentações interativas