Quebra-gelos - Modelos e exemplos

Comece a sua apresentação com algo divertido, algo para dar início a uma conversa ou algo para incentivar a colaboração. Temos tudo o que você precisa para quebrar o gelo e se conectar com seu público desde o primeiro slide.

Where Are You From?

Where Are You From?

1 slide
This template is a fun way to find out where your audience is from. Simply let them choose a point on the map.
Back to the Office Dress Code

Back to the Office Dress Code

4 slides
An icebreaker sure to make everyone say something. Ditch the sweatpants for some fancy pants?

Quebra-gelos divertidos

Emoji Word Cloud

Emoji Word Cloud

1 slide
Great icebreaker and presentation opener, ask participants to answer the question with emojis only.
Get to know each other

Get to know each other

1 slide
A fun way to break the ice and get to know other people. Use a Word Cloud to engage participants from the start.
Try to paint a Horse

Try to paint a Horse

13 slides
Here's a template packed with cheerful meeting openers. Use them at your next gathering!

Quebra-gelos perspicazes

Highlight of the year

Highlight of the year

1 slide
Quick open-ended icebreaker to reflect on the year.
Brainstorm Topics for class

Brainstorm Topics for class

1 slide
Brainstorm which topic your class want to focus on next week and the subject they need some extra support on.
Team Lead or Expert

Team Lead or Expert

1 slide
So would you rather be the boss with responsibility or the go-to person with a wealth of knowledge?

Quebra-gelos para grandes reuniões

Team Check-in

Team Check-in

11 slides
Start your next meeting with a check-in question. Here is a bunch of inspiration!
100 Points Lottery Icebreaker

100 Points Lottery Icebreaker

1 slide
If the glorious day came when you had the winning ticket . . . how would you and your audience spend it?
What would you prioritize in a marketing campaign?

What would you prioritize in a marketing campaign?

2 slides
So if you were in control of your team's next marketing campaign, which channel would you focus on?

Quebra-gelos para trabalho em equipe

Team Building Meeting Opener

Team Building Meeting Opener

5 slides
Start your next meeting with this team-building exercise.
The Brick

The Brick

1 slide
A fun game where people have to think of various uses for everyday items. Start your presentation with this game.
Word Association Warm-Up

Word Association Warm-Up

1 slide
Let everyone warm up by coming up with some synonyms, antonyms, or whatever comes to mind.

Quebra-gelos para conversa

Categorize - What Lives in the Forest?

Categorize - What Lives in the Forest?

1 slide
So what does live in the forest? And what can your audience think of that no one else has?
Word Association - Holiday

Word Association - Holiday

1 slide
What do you associate the lovely word Holiday to? Break the ice by finding out what your audience thinks.
What was the hardest subject in school?

What was the hardest subject in school?

1 slide
An icebreaker to kick off any session and to get the audience engaged.

Modelos de quebra-gelo

A primeira coisa que você diz sobre qualquer apresentação, seja ela uma palestra, uma reunião de negócios ou uma conferência, pode ser uma experiência bastante estressante. Para ajudar você a começar com o pé direito e estabelecer uma conexão imediata com o seu público. 

Pesquise na nossa coleção de quebra-gelos para encontrar aquele que melhor atende às suas necessidades. De nuvens de palavras perspicazes e roletas simples a enquetes de múltipla escolha para iniciar conversas, todos os nossos quebra-gelos apresentam um dos nossos slides interativos e inovadores que farão com que o seu público envie comentários com a ajuda dos seus smartphones. 

É possível editar os nossos quebra-gelos para atender às suas necessidades. Mude o texto, o tipo de slide, adicione algumas imagens ou simplesmente faça o que quiser.

Impressione com apresentações interativas