Aberturas para reuniões

Uma seleção de perguntas de preparação para reuniões, perfeitas para incluir no começo de qualquer apresentação e envolver os colegas desde o início.

Aberturas para reuniões

Daily Scrum Meeting Agenda Template

Daily Scrum Meeting Agenda Template

9 slides
Use this template everyday to align your team and get everyone up to speed.
Weekly pulse-check

Weekly pulse-check

4 slides
Keep a finger on the pulse of people's opinions, especially when hybrid working.
Emoji Word Cloud

Emoji Word Cloud

1 slide
Great icebreaker and presentation opener, ask participants to answer the question with emojis only.
Get to know each other

Get to know each other

1 slide
A fun way to break the ice and get to know other people. Use a Word Cloud to engage participants from the start.
Project prioritization

Project prioritization

1 slide
Democratically decide which projects you should focus on this quarter.
Team Check-in

Team Check-in

11 slides
Start your next meeting with a check-in question. Here is a bunch of inspiration!
Meeting Energizer

Meeting Energizer

8 slides
Here's a quick but fun game to do when energy levels are running low.
Try to paint a Horse

Try to paint a Horse

13 slides
Here's a template packed with cheerful meeting openers. Use them at your next gathering!
Team Building Meeting Opener

Team Building Meeting Opener

5 slides
Start your next meeting with this team-building exercise.
Active Listening Exercise

Active Listening Exercise

5 slides
Raise attention and engagement levels with the help of this quick and comprehensive active listening exercise.
Collect Weekly Priorities

Collect Weekly Priorities

1 slide
Share your goals or weekly priorities with the team with this meeting icebreaker.
Meeting Warm-Up

Meeting Warm-Up

1 slide
Get everyone engaged from the start and describe the last week in one word.
How are your listening skills?

How are your listening skills?

19 slides
Find out how good your students' listening skills are with this fun interactive presentation.
Reflect on the Power of Listening

Reflect on the Power of Listening

4 slides
Let's take a moment to think about just how important listening is and what we can do to become better listeners.
Weekly Retrospective Meeting

Weekly Retrospective Meeting

2 slides
Self-reflection is the best way of learning - use this template to conclude your next team or group meeting.
See What Your Audience Wants to Learn

See What Your Audience Wants to Learn

3 slides
Discover what your audience wants to learn and how much they already know about the subject before your lecture.

Modelos de abertura de reuniões

Quebre o gelo e dê início à sua reunião com estilo usando um de nossos modelos de abertura de reunião. Pergunte aos seus colegas algo interessante, pergunte aos seus clientes o que eles esperam da reunião ou seja criativo e improvise algo! Nuvens de palavras, enquetes e muito mais ajudarão você a começar a sua reunião com força!

Todos os nossos usuários, independentemente da conta em que se registraram, poderão fazer o download e usar qualquer um dos nossos modelos gratuitamente. Os usuários de contas gratuitas poderão personalizar e editar modelos dentro dos limites do nosso plano gratuito, ao passo que os usuários do plano pago poderão personalizar e editar totalmente cada modelo.

Impressione com apresentações interativas