Alinea-logo-2017 shows how easy distance learning is with Mentimeter

The Sofa School - online lessons for remote teaching uses Mentimeter for distance learning and reaches thousands of students every day. Sofaskola or The Sofa School in English was born out of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Denmark. As schools were forced to close, teachers needed to think of innovative ways to engage and teach lessons from a distance online. Sofaskolen have found a simple solution for children to continue to learn whilst in quarantine in Denmark. The Sofa School combined Youtube Live to stream the online lessons and Mentimeter to check student understanding, guide and engage students and most importantly have fun!

Sofa School behind the scenes

Video Transcript:

Hi my name is Josefine and I’m a teacher at the Sofa School and my name is Aslak and I am a teacher at the Sofa School as well. 

Aslak ‘At first when we heard about the lockdown because of the CoronaVirus we thought what did the students lose, what will they miss the most and it’s their community they have every day.’

Josefine ‘We want the students to participate, we want their lessons to be interactive and we want to give the students a voice and a way to do that is to use Mentimeter for the students to choose what we do in class and to get their voices heard. 

The chat in a live stream is very hard to control, it’s crazy when you teach 2000 students at one time, so we closed down the chat but we needed the students’ engagement so we send out polls, we send out quizzes to the students to keep them engaged. 

Mentimeter for me is also like a visual guide for the kids so that they know where we are and what we are talking about and I think it is important when you are speaking a lot, especially in video lessons there is a lot of talking and you are not in the same room so you need a visual guide and that is where I think the slideshow is perfect.'

When we started doing the first lesson, I was a bit afraid that we had to guide the students, so I planned that we had to guide the students, how to go on Menti, how to put in the code but what happened was before we even introduced how to do it all the answers just arrived here. So, when you are teaching and using Mentimeter, you don’t have to be afraid that the students don’t know how to do it. So my first advice is that you just have to jump into it.


The Sofa School and Mentimeter teamed up to host an online webinar on Youtube live to show teachers and other educators how easy it is to hold online lessons and teach remotely. Superstar teachers Aslak and Josefine gave their tips and tricks to facilitate learning and keep students engaged whilst teaching virtually. Check it out!

Use Mentimeter's ready-made templates to start making your classroom interactive. Introduce fun quizzes to test knowledge, break-up a lesson or keep track of learning.

Find more teaching strategies for the remote classroom here!

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