Make Super Major Seriously Important Business Decisions™ with these Ice-Breakers

June 18, 2021
final art R01

We’ve seen time and again that adding a little interactivity to the top of a presentation can ease tensions in the room (or, the Zoom.) It helps to put folks in better moods to collaborate and tackle the real work of forging consensus and making big decisions together.

That’s why we provide a collection of fun ice-breakers and thought starters within Mentimeter. You don’t want to just jump straight to making the big important decisions from the start.

...Or do you? Maybe you’d like to get your group warmed up with some super important, momentous decisions right at the beginning? Now you can.

Introducing “Important* Business Decisions”. We’ve teamed up with some super talented artists and designers on a new series of ice breakers. Each Menti uses our new “Pin-on-Image” feature to challenge your audience to weigh in on topics of the utmost importance! Questions like:

How is your audience feeling about their working situation? Art by Helen Li.

What is your work situation looking like these days?

What is your work situation looking like these days?

If your company’s HQ were to move, where would you put it? Art by SUPER NICE LETTERS.

We're relocating our HQ, where shall we go?

We're relocating our HQ, where shall we go?

Has the last year changed your fashion sense? Art by LindseyMadeThis.

Back to the Office Dress Code

Back to the Office Dress Code

And, probably most importantly, is pineapple on pizza any good? Art by Hyesu Lee.

Pineapple on pizza. Acceptable?

Pineapple on pizza. Acceptable?

Log in to your account to get started and Give them a try in your next presentation, and get to tackling those big, tricky decisions together. Have fun!

*Importance may vary

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