Interact with your audience in 3 easy steps
Works with your favorite apps
Some helpful guides
Need some inspiration? We have a variety of videos, templates, resources, and more that will help you better understand Mentimeter and help you dive right in!
I've used Mentimeter to get my audience engaged and energized during my presentation. The effect is instant and it's so easy to use.Jonas Persson, former CEO of Microsoft Sweden
Getting started? Explore how to make meetings of all types engaging for free.
50 participants per month
Unlimited participants once per month
Word clouds, polls, quizzes, slides and much more
Edit Mentis together with your team
Engage audiences as part of your usual presentation toolset and analyse results.
Per presenter/month
Billed yearly, excl. tax.
All Free features, plus
Unlimited participants per month
Import slides from other tools
Export results to Excel
Bring engagement to your workplace and use your own logo.
Per presenter/month
Billed yearly, excl. tax.
All Basic features, plus
Add your own company logo and branding
Create team templates
Edit presentations with your colleagues or specific team members
Perfect for 10+ presenters. Get in touch and improve engagement levels today.
All Pro features, plus
Company-wide branding
Single Sign-On
Success manager