Romper el hielo en el trabajo en equipo

Fomenta la colaboración y el trabajo en equipo con una plantilla para romper el hielo que dé el pistoletazo de salida a tu presentación, reunión o sesión de lluvia de ideas.

Romper el hielo en el trabajo en equipo

Team Check-in

Team Check-in

11 slides
Start your next meeting with a check-in question. Here is a bunch of inspiration!
Team Building Meeting Opener

Team Building Meeting Opener

5 slides
Start your next meeting with this team-building exercise.
The Brick

The Brick

1 slide
A fun game where people have to think of various uses for everyday items. Start your presentation with this game.
Word Association Warm-Up

Word Association Warm-Up

1 slide
Let everyone warm up by coming up with some synonyms, antonyms, or whatever comes to mind.
Team Day Out

Team Day Out

7 slides
Let the wheel make the decision for you and choose a random activity to do on your next team day out.
How did you get here this morning?

How did you get here this morning?

1 slide
See how your audience got to today's conference, meeting, or workshop.
Show Appreciation

Show Appreciation

1 slide
Boost your amazing colleagues by praising them for something they've done.
What are you thankful for?

What are you thankful for?

1 slide
Let's practice gratitude and take a moment to reflect on all of the things we are thankful for.
How are you feeling?

How are you feeling?

1 slide
Check in with participants and find out how they are feeling wherever they are joining from.
Back to the Office Dress Code

Back to the Office Dress Code

4 slides
An icebreaker sure to make everyone say something. Ditch the sweatpants for some fancy pants?
What are the best shows on Netflix at the moment?

What are the best shows on Netflix at the moment?

1 slide
Kick-off your meeting with a fun icebreaker and crowdsource your next Netflix binge session at the same time!
Employee of the Year Poll

Employee of the Year Poll

1 slide
Who will be the employee of the year? Let all employees vote for who should win.
Increase Workshop Learnings

Increase Workshop Learnings

8 slides
Have better workshops after quizzing participants on effective communication and proactive language.
Help your audience get to know each other

Help your audience get to know each other

1 slide
Who's sitting next to you? Break the ice by getting to know your neighbor.

Plantillas para romper el hielo en el trabajo en equipo

Con nuestras plantillas para romper el hielo en el trabajo en equipo, conseguirás que los participantes hablen, debatan y colaboren. Algunas de estas preguntas requieren que trabajen juntos para dar con la respuesta. Se trata de la forma perfecta de poner en marcha una sesión de lluvia de ideas o un taller colaborativo. ¡Empieza con una ruleta, una nube de palabras, una encuesta u otra diapositiva interactiva!

Cualquiera que tenga una cuenta de Mentimeter puede descargar todas nuestras plantillas para romper el hielo con solo unos clics. Los usuarios con una cuenta tanto gratuita como de pago pueden descargar estas plantillas y editarlas como consideren oportuno. Puedes cambiar el tipo de diapositiva, modificar las preguntas o sustituir la imagen de fondo, si te apetece.

Impresiona a tu público con presentaciones interactivas