Warrensville Heights
Tom Miller is the Connected Learning Manager in Cleveland Clinic’s Civic Education department. He has been using Mentimeter for three years and shared his story of how Mentimeter is impacting his work.
“Mentimeter is integral to our middle and high school Connected Learning experiences, which bring our healthcare professionals (surgeons, nurses, and allied health professionals) into classrooms using webinar technology. We use Mentimeter for pre-and post-session polls to gauge student learning from each session.
We also use Mentimeter during our webinars, to gather students’ questions and to engage the students in interactive games or activities. For example, in our recent Worldwide Classroom® session on pain and the opioid crisis, we asked the students to build an A to Z chart on alternative methods for managing pain. Students from 25 schools across 4 states, supplied us with over 900 different words to complete the A to Z chart in real-time.”
An example of how Mentimeter was used to source ideas
Three years ago Cleveland Clinic decided to make the change to Mentimeter as their former polling tools were not user-friendly. These tools didn't work the same on a smartphone and computer and if the user was on a smartphone it charged them data rates. In comparison, Mentimeter works on a smartphone, tablet, or computer through a standard web browser. It's easy for the students and doesn't require them to use their cell plan's data.
With a better polling system in place, Tom saw the impact of Mentimeter:
“We run an award-winning program called Adventures in Health Science and Medicine® (AHSM®), which is a series of Connected Learning experiences designed to promote learning about health science and medical professions for middle school students.
AHSM capitalizes on the capabilities that Mentimeter provides for students to interact with their peers from different schools. The culminating capstone session, called the IDEA$ Challenge, has students presenting an innovation that they have developed based on a real-world health problem. All eight classes present their innovations during a webinar using videos, slide decks, CAD drawings, and even prototypes printed on 3-D printers. While each class presents, the other classes are the judges, using a rubric to score the presentation and Mentimeter 100 points to generate real-time results for their peers. The two classes with the highest rubric scores are immediately declared the “AHSM Innovators of the Year” and are awarded AHSM Innovator sunglasses.”
An example of how the teams were scored using Mentimeter
Team Favaloro - General Johnnie Wilson Middle School (Lorain, Ohio)
These interactive and engaging sessions have left a strong and positive impact on the students:
“The students rate the IDEA$ Challenge as their favourite AHSM session and teachers have shared that the instant feedback students receive from their peers at different schools is one of the reasons students like the session so much.”
In short, Tom summarizes Mentimeter as “an amazing polling tool that is easy to use, with a really simple interface, and great reporting tools. We've been using Mentimeter for three years now and love it. We also appreciate the lightning-fast tech support and the ongoing addition of new features.”