9 ways to use Mentimeter Image Choice questions

July 08, 2019/10 mins min read
Image of Sam Stewart-Keene
Sam Stewart-Keene-

The Image Choice question type is one of the most flexible tools Mentimeter has to offer, with everything that Multiple Choice questions offer, but with more visuals to get your voters hooked.

Use the Image Choice question type to warm-up the audience, to break up a longer presentation, make your presentation more interactive, add some colour to a presentation…. These are just some of the ways you can use the Image Choice question type to improve your presentation.

Here are 10 ideas to give you some inspiration for your next presentation:

1. Break the ice and find out how people are feeling

2. See how well people remember the characters of your favourite show

3. See if people know what flag goes with which country

4. Test voters landmark knowledge

6. Warm the crowd up by asking what their favourite food is

7. Get soppy and ask what the most romantic city is

8. Embrace your nerdy side and see if people know what characters did in your favourite sci-fi film

9. Find out which is the cutest gif

Image Choice questions can be used in even more ways than listed in this article, for help on creating your own multiple-choice questions check out this guide, and start creating your own.

Image Choice questions are just one of the many questions types that Mentimeter has to offer, check out our help articles and blog posts for even more inspiration to make your presentations more interactive.

Impresiona a tu público con presentaciones interactivas