Measure Gender Equality

This tool was developed by Mentimeter in cooperation with a leading diversity and consulting firm, Add Gender. Use it to start or continue the journey of creating more equality in your organization.

Measure Gender Equality

How to download & use this Template

Once logged in you can simply click ‘Get template’ to download this presentation. Once downloaded, just click the green tick and it will appear in your presentations and can be used right away. For those that need to sign up first, then it only takes a few clicks and a little typing.  

How to run a Mentimeter presentation

Designing and running a Mentimeter presentation is quick, straightforward, and efficient. Combine a series of interactive slides, designed to promote audience engagement and interaction, with content slides aimed to provide context and added information.

Live polls, Word Clouds, and all interactive slide types allow every member of the audience to take part, while also adding dynamic and vibrant charts, graphs, and visuals to your presentation with no extra effort.

Team Reflection

What is gender equality?

Gender equality, also known as equality of the sexes is achieved when everyone has equal access to the same rights and opportunities in all aspects of society, without discrimination and regardless of gender. Everybody is valued and favoured equally. Although over the years there has been a lot of progress towards equality, there is still a long way to go. According to research by the UN, in 2018 only 27% of women held managerial positions worldwide, showing much room for improvement in the workplace.


About this template

This template has been designed to help you ask questions about gender in the workplace and assess how well you are doing at it. The Gender Equality template includes questions such as In your opinion, do women and men have equal opportunities in our organization? Do you feel involved in our organization’s gender equality work? Do you know who to talk to in our organization in the event of sexual harassment or discrimination? In your opinion, is there an equal number of female and male role models in our organization? What are the main arguments hindering our organization's equality work?

Desk with a computer

How to use this template

Use this presentation template to start a discussion with your employees to create a better and more diverse workplace. Don’t forget, you can add more slides and more questions to tailor it to your needs and your organization.

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