Mathe-Quiz und Unterricht
Auch Geometrie, Trigonometrie und Algebra kannst du interaktiv vermitteln – nutze unsere Mathe-Vorlagen für einen spannenderen Unterricht.
Mathe-Quiz und Unterricht
The concept of derivatives
This Mentimeter template elaborates on the concept of derivatives aimed at students in 11th grade (US Curriculum).
The Concept of Fractions
This template elaborates on the concept of fractions and the intended target group is students in 6th grade.
The Pythagorean Theorem
This Mentimeter template guides your students through an introduction to the Pythagorean theorem.
The concept of logarithms
In this Mentimeter template, the concept of logarithms is elaborated on.
The Graph of a Function
This template can be used as a continuation after the "The concept of a function" module but also works on its own.
The concept of functions
This can be used as an intro, in the middle, or as a reinforcement at the end of a subject on linear functions.
Mathematician's Quiz
Math is beautiful. Prove that you appreciate this statement by challenging your friends to this quiz!
Vorlagen – Mathematik
Auch Mathe kann aufregend und interaktiv sein. Unsere Vorlagen füllen Formeln, Theorien und Gleichungen mit Leben. Damit Unterrichtseinheiten, Tests und Prüfungen ansprechender und greifbarer werden.
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