Vorlagen und Beispiele für Verkaufspräsentationen
Mit Mentimeter werden Onboardings, Vertriebs-Workshops und Meetings aller Art attraktiver und interaktiver.
Vorlagen und Beispiele für Verkaufspräsentationen
Post Announcement Discussion
Improve discussions by first letting people discuss in smaller groups.
Announcement Q&A
Check if your audience understood the message you just presented with this template
Project Kickoff Meeting Agenda Template
It's finally time to kick off your exciting project! Use this template to get off to a great start.
Leadership Team Meeting Agenda Template
Busy people, lots to cover. Make the most out of your leadership team meetings with this template.
Daily Scrum Meeting Agenda Template
Use this template everyday to align your team and get everyone up to speed.
Remote All-Hands Meeting
Spice up your remote all-hands meeting with this interactive template.
A/B Test Report
Just finished an A/B test? Present your objectives, findings, and results with this template.
Financial Report Template
Present your financial report in a fun and engaging way.
Product Demo Template
Use this template to demonstrate your product to potential customers.
Weekly Hybrid Meeting
Are you hosting recurring meetings for hybrid teams?
Great! This is the template for you.
Client Onboarding
Give your new clients an informative but fun start with this interactive onboarding template.
Start-up Pitch Deck
Use this pitch deck template when presenting your new big idea to investors.
Weekly Report Template
Use this template to share a status update on the Quarter's numbers, projects and plans for the coming week.
Quarterly Reflection Template
Deep dive into the last quarter and share learnings, reflections and celebrate wins!
Brainstorm Ideas
Brainstorm ideas, get creative and gather diverse input from the whole team.
Company and Competitor Matrix
See where on the scale both you and your competitors fall. Who occupies the same area and who the outlier may be.
Sales Training Template
Bring your team up to speed on best practices and ways of working with this engaging and interactive template.
Team Reflection
Look back on the past, week, month, or even year with your team. See what works and what needs improving.
Improve Listening Skills with Improv
Improve your listening skills by playing these fun improv games!
Team Efficiency Tool
Reflect on your team's efficiency with this interactive template.
Meeting Check-In
Check-in with your team to see how they feel and ensure everybody knows what to do.
Reflect on Risks and Pain Areas
Improve team performance by reflecting on risks and pain areas together.
Sales Presentation
Give your sales presentation a new lease of life by making it interactive with Mentimeter!
Project Risk Management
See if your team is on the same page regarding which threats would have the most impact on the project at hand.
Workshop on Customer Retention
Use this template during a workshop to help identify which actions to take to increase customer retention.
Project Management Workshop
If you're hoping to improve project management within your organization, then this is the workshop for you.
Vertriebs-Präsentationen und -Folien
In unserer Sammlung mit Präsentationen und Vorlagen für den Vertrieb findest du passende Folien für jede Gelegenheit. Ob es um eine Kundenbesprechung geht, die Quartalsplanung oder einen Workshop: Wir haben das Richtige für jedes starke Vertriebsteam.
Mit einem Mentimeter-Konto kannst du alle unsere Vorlagen herunterladen. Zahlende User können unsere Vorlagen uneingeschränkt bearbeiten. Mit einem Free-Konto ist dies innerhalb bestimmter Grenzen möglich.