Brainstorming-Vorlagen und Beispiele
Für Teams jeder Größe: Sammle verschiedene Sichtweisen, brainstorme in der Gruppe innovative Ideen oder lege einen Fahrplan fest.
Brainstorming-Vorlagen und Beispiele
Appreciative Inquiry Workshop Template
Appreciative Inquiry Workshop Template
Start-stop-continue retrospective
A retrospective that focuses on evaluating the ways of working you and your team should Stop, Start, and Continue.
Cost reduction workshop
Use this template to facilitate transparent discussions about cutting costs.
Risk management planning workshop
Assess risks and develop action plans with this workshop template.
Brainstorming meeting template
Are you facilitating a brainstorming session? This is the template for you!
Workshop planning template
Plan your upcoming workshop together with this template.
Workshop the best ideas template
Collect and vote for the best ideas using this simple workshop template.
Brainstorming template
Here's a simple brainstorming template, easily adapted to fit any session.
Market expansion strategies workshop
Expanding your business to a new market is no easy task. Use this template to double down on that strategy.
Project kickoff brainstorming template
Ask the right thought-provoking questions to steer your team towards an innovative mindset.
Miro Integrations for Brainstorming
Have you ever used the Miro slide in Mentimeter? If not, here's how!
Creative thinking icebreaker
Quick icebreaker to kick-start brainstorming and creative discussions.
Brainstorm meeting focus
Quickly generate input from the team to decide what to focus on.
Reverse Brainstorm - Excelsior
A reverse brainstorm is a fun way to play a word association game. If this was a brand, what would they do or make?
Brainstorm Ideas
Brainstorm ideas, get creative and gather diverse input from the whole team.
Project Brainstorming Session
Prepare to gather team feedback and come up with new, inventive ideas for that upcoming project.
Entdecke die Vielfalt unserer Brainstorming-Vorlagen – für mehr Kreativität und Innovationen in deinen Meetings. Uns ist klar: Dein Schwerpunkt sollte nicht auf dem Klein-Klein des Präsentationsdesigns liegen, sondern auf der Ideenentwicklung. Deshalb erleichtern wir die Moderation so weit wie nur möglich.
Unabhängig von deinem Abo sind unsere Vorlagen allesamt kostenlos! Wenn du dich zunächst für unser Free-Konto entscheidest, kannst du die Vorlagen innerhalb gewisser Grenzen anpassen. Versuch es einfach! Passe jede Vorlage genau so an, wie du es brauchst. Lass deiner Kreativität freien Lauf!