Mentimeter HQ Nominated for Sweden’s Most Beautiful Office Award

October 03, 2021
the office

In April this year we moved into the new Mentimeter HQ. One of our biggest internal projects to date, the move from Alströmergatan to Tulegatan was a massive and months long undertaking that was led by only a small group of dedicated Menti Peeps. Fast forward to today and we’re more than settled into our beautiful new home, which has now been nominated as Sweden’s Most Beautiful Office for 2021.

When VP People and Culture, Anna Gullstrand asked Office Manager (and office relocation project lead!), Amanda Ritterfeldt what she wished for as the ultimate outcome of the move, it was to win Sveriges Snyggaste Kontor (Sweden’s Most Beautiful Office). An annual competition that crowns Sweden’s best looking, best designed, and most-enjoyable-to-work-in office.

Menti Restaurant - Tulegatan 11

For more than one year, Amanda worked on one of the biggest internal projects in Mentimeter’s history. Finding, renovating, and designing the new Mentimeter HQ at Tulegatan 11 in central Stockholm.

It was an epic journey with its triumphs and its setbacks. Plenty of highs and our fair share of lows. Amanda had to juggle a dizzying number of stakeholders: from Mentimeter founders that love great design but hate branding, landlords on both sides of the move, a design agency, craftsmen, and of course the needs and wishes of her Menti colleagues. Every day threw up a new challenge, with no period more intense or hectic than the moving in period.

Francis and Chassa - Office Tulegatan 11

There were lots of wins, some mistakes and many learnings. As always. But Amanda - with the support of her People Experience Team colleagues, especially Kenan Olovcic - carried the whole project over the line with maximum grace and minimum issues. As well as a healthy amount of expectation management to keep a group of Menti Peeps (who were desperate to see their new home!) in the loop.

Now the time has come for us to all come back to the office, to enjoy the office together. Our dining area, lounge, gym and bar. Our amazing arena where we can host our weekly "Menti Listen Show" for all 200 employees.

Oscar Svernlöv hosting the Wednesday Menti Meeting

For sure it is good looking. But most of all it has a human touch. You feel welcomed, instantly. Which is exactly as we want it to be.

We owe a big thanks to for their support in helping us to find not only our new home, but the one we left behind as well. And also lots of praise to Natalie Strömberg and the team at Refine Design Studio for helping us to create such a special place to call home.

We love it here. It’s already a winner to us.


Photo by Fabege

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