6 ways Mentimeter can re-engage your team

July 16, 2020
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Employees are feeling unengaged more than ever. Remote working coupled with stressful and uncertain circumstances means that employee’s energy levels are depleted. Organizations must communicate with their workforce to try and re-engage and reconnect with them.

Here are 6 ways you can use Mentimeter to help re-engage your team:

1. Introduce interactivity to presentations 

Using interactive elements in a presentation or meeting is great to re-engage the team. After so many long Zoom meetings, online conference calls and more, it has been draining and exhausting. Mentimeter’s interactive question types can help to liven up the room and engage bored employees.

 Make meetings fun

Make meetings fun

2. Give praise 

There is always time to give praise and appreciation to your colleagues. As you may not have seen your colleagues face-to-face for some time, recognising their hard work can boost their morale and make them feel appreciated. Giving praise feels just as good as receiving it!

Give Praise

Give Praise

3. Employee Check-in

A quick check-in or feeling the pulse of the team is important to find out how people are really doing. It also shows that the company care about how their employees are feeling. A Forbes survey showed that 96% of employees think showing empathy improves employee retention.

You can also gain real insights and prevent any burn-outs before they happen - 61% of employees are burnt-out at work. 

How are you feeling?

How are you feeling?



Tip: use trends to see how employees are feeling over time and compare the data.

4. Host a quiz

People are exhausted. The past few months have been tough and getting used to the new normal, working from home while taking care of children has been difficult. Everyone is in need of a fun pick-me-up and who doesn’t love a quiz?! 

Introduce a fun lighthearted quiz to create some friendly competition between colleagues and have a short break from work, perfect to re-energize the team. 

4 reason why you should hold Mentimeter quizzes at work

General Knowledge Quiz 1

General Knowledge Quiz 1

5. Ask anonymous questions

Doing a Q&A session gives employees the opportunity to ask what they have been thinking without feeling embarrassed or shy about asking it in front of the whole team. They can ask more open and honest questions and enable the company to be transparent about what is happening.

Whether you hold a live Q&A session or send it out beforehand to prepare answers, a Q&A session is always valuable. It also helps to consolidate questions and avoid answering the same question multiple times.

Tip: change the presentation pace to ‘audience pace’ so you can send it out before and employees can respond in their own time.



6. Reflect and give feedback

Feedback is a gift! Asking your employees what they think makes them feel that their opinion matters and that their voice can be heard. You may even get some great ideas that you wouldn’t have thought of otherwise. Reflecting on what happened, what has worked and what hasn’t can help get different perspectives and different voices on the situation. 

Creating a feedback culture can help to continuously improve the company, empower employees and create a more positive workplace - win-win! 

Team Efficiency Tool

Team Efficiency Tool

Meeting Efficiency Reflection

Meeting Efficiency Reflection

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