5 Training Tools for Employee Learning and Development in 2022

January 20, 2022

With 2021 almost in the rearview mirror it is already time to look forward to 2022 and the tools we can use to help foster employee learning and development.

Having the right tools can make the difference between a good and a great learning experience. Here we have put together a list of our favorite tools to help make employee learning and development the best experience it can be.

  1. Engagement tool - Mentimeter
  2. Asynchronous collaboration tool - Miro
  3. Synchronous learning tool - Zoom
  4. Project management tool - Trello
  5. Communication tool - Slack


What if training sessions and professional development workshops didn’t have to be one-way communication channels? Where the trainer delivers a PowerPoint presentation to a group that looks increasingly bored or like they might be about to fall asleep?

Mentimeter interface trio

Audience Engagement Platforms (AEPs) are the perfect tool for turning a one-way lecture into a vibrant conversation. Use Mentimeter to deconstruct the traditional training session. Break down the strict audience-speaker dynamic, and let your audience take the lead and drive the session. They will thank you for it and pay you back with their attention, interest, and engagement.


Are you the kind of person who does their best work collaborating with others? A true believer in the value of writing on whiteboards, putting sticky notes on a wall, and annotating EVERYTHING?

Miro interface

In that case, Miro is absolutely the tool for you. Upload images, place sticky notes, draw lines, and structure things however you like. From a remote-friendly brainstorm to wire-framing in a hybrid workshop. This is the tool of the moment for collaboration in many areas of work - including employee learning and development.


...or your video conferencing software of choice! With remote or hybrid workshops and training sessions becoming an increasingly common experience, these platforms are an essential tool for working synchronously with a dispersed group. I find Zoom to be the most reliable and user-friendly of those available, but it’s usually best to use the one you’re most familiar with.

Mentimeter Zoom app interface


Whether you’re delivering training that is a much longer project than a single session, or whether you just want to organize your own tasks and to-do lists, Trello is the project management tool you need.

Trello interface

Organize your tasks or the group’s tasks into a logical card and column system that allows for orderly processing of tasks and subdivision of actions into checklists. Whether you thrive on being organized or even if it is your Achilles heal, Trello is the tool for you to have the to-do list of your dreams.


Whether it is during the training or to communicate details around the training you offer within the team, having a reliable and well used communication tool is essential. For this reason it has to be Slack.

Slack interface

Surely the instant message and communication platform for workplaces around the world? Use it to spread the word about the learning and development opportunities you offer, communicate with participants during the session, and reach out for feedback and reflection afterwards.

Having the right tools at your disposal can help you to take your existing teaching and training skills to the next level, help you to work more efficiently, and help you to make the experience much more inclusive and memorable for your participants. So why not give some of these tools a try in 2022?

Impress with interactive presentations