Benefits at Mentimeter

So you’re thinking of joining us? Glad to hear it! We’re really proud of what we’ve built here at Mentimeter. We want to tell you about some of the things we love about working here, and why we think you’ll like it here too.


The Menti Story

In 2014, four friends felt frustrated. Everyday they wasted a considerable amount of their day participating in or leading meetings that were inefficient, un-inclusive and just plain boring. Why? Because in the meetings the leader was talking at rather than engaging with the audience. They knew there had to be a better way.


So Mentimeter was born with the idea to transform leadership, in business and education, from talking to listening. That’s how meetings become more inclusive, efficient and fun!

What started as a week-end hack has since grown organically into a truly diverse and inclusive company, with 300+ employees spanning a 54/46 female/male percentage split and over 50 different nationalities. Below are just some reasons why you should consider joining us.

Benefits overview

Explore the benefits for our employees at the different offices

power of together climate page

Climate Compensation

Here at Mentimeter we are conscious of our collective environmental impact. We work to tackle this by taking an active stand against CO2 emissions, lower ours each year by dragging CO2 from the air into the ground.

In 2020, we bought 72 tons (or $21 600) worth of CO2 reduction from Nordic Direct Air Capture to compensate for the pollution connected to our employees’ work and travel. If you work at Mentimeter, we calculate your yearly carbon footprint both in work and ensure that you have zero impact on the environment.

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